Roster Resources

Welcome to the roster lawyer hub for news, resources and support when you need it. Please visit the secure Lawyer Portal to accept and manage certificates and update your personal profile.

Client Access and Service Enhancements (CASE)

Client Access and Service Enhancements, or CASE, includes several initiatives including travel expansion, DC Portal access for Duty Counsel, Client Gateway enhancements and the Lawyer Directory.

Tariff and Policies
Latest Updates

A summary of important news updates for roster lawyers.

Lawyer Portal

A secure online portal for lawyers.

  • Certificate offers, invoices, account management, and other important transactions.
  • User guides and videos for Lawyer Portal.

If you are a legal assistant for a roster lawyer and require an account for Lawyer Portal, please complete the application form, selecting ‘Assistant’ from the Type of Account’ drop-down.


Shiftboard is Legal Aid Alberta’s online scheduling system for duty counsel lawyers.

Log in to manage your duty counsel schedule.

Get help with Shiftboard

LAA Client Gateway

Legal Aid Alberta Client Gateway is an alternative way for roster lawyers to help LAA clients apply for coverage on criminal charges.

If you are dealing with a client who does not have a criminal matter, they have to apply with us directly at 1-866-845-3425. Our Contact Centre is open from 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday – Friday.

Get help with Client Gateway


LAA DC Portal

Legal Aid Alberta DC Portal is a PRISM-like system for helping duty counsel obtain real-time information about Legal Aid Alberta application statuses or to help with applications.

Get help with DC Portal

Lawyer Panels

Become more knowledgeable of LAA policies and procedures, build your skills in certain areas of law and learn something new.


Contact Us

A list of email addresses to get help when you need it.

Join the Roster

Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of Albertans? Join us today!

  • You must be a lawyer or student-at-law registered with the Law Society of Alberta.
  • If you live in another province, you may be permitted to join the roster.

Find out how we can help you.

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