Featured Cases

Featured Cases

Legal Aid Alberta works hard on behalf of our clients. We navigate a complex justice system to protect the rights of all Albertans.

KB ruling confirms ability of judges to review youth’s deferred custody sentencing order

The youth, who struggles with FASD and ADHD and has trouble focusing and connecting actions to consequences, was repeatedly arrested and held for breaching conditions of his sentence

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Court finds that Temporary Guardianship Orders must allow for the return of children and that trial judges — not Child Welfare — decide the terms of access between guardians and children

In this Court of Queen’s Bench (QB) case which ultimately strengthened the rights of parents to have custody of their children, Legal Aid Alberta lawyer Douglas McLachlan represented a mother of three.

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Court finds that imprisoning youths in solitary confinement is abusive to youths and illegal in Alberta

A young person (“CCN”) who had spent almost two years in solitary confinement within Alberta’s youth corrections system was charged with assault with a weapon (a meal tray) against another young person.

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